Conquest (1983 film)

Conquest is a 1983 fantasy horror film directed by Lucio Fulci.

Fortunately, a large, rugged man appears to help him out. He makes short work of the wild beastmen and escapes with the man. Their battle has only just began. The older man learns of the younger ones mission and agrees to help him out. The journey is not an easy one, as it leads them through a swamp full of zombielike creatures. This section is shot with an eerilystrange tint that gives it a rather dreamlike quality. After a vicious battle, the duo escapes and continues their quest to stop the evil queen. Getting desperate now, after another failure, she calls upon the power of an ancient evil force that is inhabiting an inanimate statue in the center of her room. It calls up greater forces than she ever could to destroy her enemies.Now in the midsts of a desertlike plain, the MayDecember duo is led into a trap involving the werewolf henchmen. In the midst of this, the young men is quite efficiently killed, seemingly putting an end to the threat against her. Driven on by his companions decapitation, the veteran fighter picks up his magical weapon and vows to finish the job that he started. Since she fails more safe, the Queen lets her protection lax a little bit, playing right into our protagonists hands. Placing the bow in his hand, he uses its magical properties to shoot energy projectiles at his foes. His volley of magic proves to be very efficient and effective in dealing with the threat. Nothing can stand in his way. ........

Source: Wikipedia